This new technology introduces a new trend about Big Data, which is a collection of large, diverse and complex data sets. Until 2003, only about 5 Exa-bytes (1018 bytes) of data were produced by humans. In 2012, digital data was expanded to 2.72 zettabytes (1021 bytes), which is estimated to double every two years, reaching approximately 8 zettabytes of data. This increase in the amount of data traffic is also related to the increase in the number of internet users worldwide, which reached 46% of the world’s total population in 2016 according to the World Bank (2018) data. Digital data, which is very fast, large and diverse, is affected by a variety of factors such as data science, social media, and various websites and web services. Increasing demand for data processing, data storage and digital communication have led to the development of big data infrastructure. Data is processed and stored in a data center. In addition, the data center is a facility consisting of servers, network devices, data storage apparatus and cooling units. The energy consumed by data centers around the world continues to increase. According to Japan Ministry of Economy, energy consumption will increase by five times by 2025. The electricity consumed by the data center itself is divided into several areas, including 52% for IT purposes, 38% for the cooling system and 10% for other supporting equipment as shown in Figure 1. Relatively, cooling systems have high electric energy consumption because most data centers operate with air conditioners. Therefore, adjustments must be made to the cooling system to increase the efficiency of the electric energy consumed, which will also reduce maintenance costs and electricity usage.
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